Monday 25 June 2012

Morrisons- Mature Cheddar & Bacon Pasta

I normally love pasta dishes, and with this one, I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. When I first tried it, I ate half a tub (they're only little) and I really enjoyed it, so chose to buy another one but after eating it again, it actually tastes like cigarette ash!
 After reading the ingredients, I'm assuming it's because it contains parsley but I'm not too sure. 
It consists of small pasta twirls covered in mayonnaise, with sweetcure bacon, tomatoes and red cheddar cheese.  If it weren't for the weird cigarette ash taste, it would have been perfect!

After trying again, I would rate this 1/10. Seriously not worth wasting your money on!

Asda's Little Angels Comfort Dry Nappies

  I am writing this review on an old packet of nappies so they may be worse/better than these!
My daughter found these nappies very comfortable, they held her urine in quite well. The tabs on the side are a bit stretchy and the fastening is a sort of velcro feeling, which I prefer.
The leg cuff is very stretchy which allows the child to move but keep the contents in!! The back of the nappy isn't stretchy which could add to the comfort of the child, but this isn't too much of a negative. It has a cute little picture on the front which my daughter enjoyed looking at when I was changing her, she'd lie there holding the clean nappy for me and pointing to the characters.
What I like about Asda's nappies is they support the Tommy's campaign, which gives babies the best chance of being born healthily (you can read more about it here )
I've looked online and have checked the amount of nappies per pack of Asda's little angels- comfort dry, they are-
  • Size 3 (Midi)- 56 nappies
  • Size 4 (Maxi)- 48 nappies
  • Size 4+ (Maxi Plus)- 44 nappies
  • Size 5 (Junior)- 40 nappies
  • Size 5+ (Junior +)- 36 nappies
  • Size 6 (XL)- 30 nappies
  • Size 6+ (XL+) - 26 nappies
These are usually on offer for 2 packs for £10 which I think is very good, they are normally £5.57 per pack.
I would rate these a 7/10, they are good for keeping your child comfortable and dry and they're very reasonably priced.

Favourite Charities

I love donating to charities but I don't usually have a lot of money to do it. So I thought by sharing a few of my favourite links, you might decide to donate yourself! Just a few £££'s and it would make such a difference to someones life. Instead of buying that one bottle of wine, one packet of cigarettes or one box of chocolates, you could really help someone and you wouldn't need to do much! 

My first favourite is Acorns. My fiance's sister was severely handicapped pretty much from birth and their family relied a lot on Acorns. They knew Michelle and the family for over 21 years, and was there with them through the highs and lows. It became more of a family than a hospice, and the younger sister is running the London marathon on behalf of Acorns. Here is the link and the amazing story- 

The sad thing is, for Rebecca to able to run the marathon, she has to raise at least £2500! So please give as much as you can to this fantastic cause. 

My other favourite charity is Birmingham Children's hospital. They help thousands of children every year, they're so friendly and nothing is too much for them.You never know when you may need the help from them, so please donate what you can- they could help save your child's life.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Morrisons- 2 Vanilla Custard Slices

I bought a pack of 2 vanilla custard slices, they are puff pastry slices with a vanilla flavoured fresh cream custard filling with a fondant topping.

These didn’t look too bad in the box, but once you open the lid you can see they look quite rough. They didn’t smell vanilla-y at all, they were very sticky and you instantly got in a mess with the custard filling oozing out of the sides. The pastry looked very thick, and when I took a first bite it was quite hard and chewy to bite through. The custard had a nice thick but smooth consitency but didn’t taste like vanilla at all. The pastry was too thick and it tasted quite savoury, it wasn’t sweet enough in my opinion. The fondant topping was quite thin and again wasn’t really sweet.

After you’ve eaten them, you’re left with a very oily/greasy taste in your mouth from the pastry. This is very unpleasant! A while later, you’re then left with a sour milk taste, again not very nice!

Overall I was really disappointed with them. A pack costs £1.09, so they are 55p each, about 45p too much in my opinion!

Out of 10, I would rate them a 3. There are much better quality slices out there which I will be reviewing soon!

Harpic Power Plus Tablets

I absolutely love these! They are fantastic, you drop one into the bottom of the toilet, leave to soak for about 6 hours, flush and your loo is lovely and clean! (Well below the waterline is!)

I haven’t found anything else that is similar to this (if you have, please comment and let me know and I can compare these!) These are ideal if you have someone coming round and you want a lovely clean loo. These clean under the U-Bend where your brush won’t reach. Unless you’re Kim and Aggy and love getting your rubber gloves on and shoving your hand down the loo, these are the best way to ensure your toilet is clean.

There are 8 in a box, and I’ve only found them in Sainsbury’s near me (although on they’re showing at all stores apart from Asda). They normally cost about £2.50 for a box of 8 tablets which work out to 32p a tablet, well worth it in my opinion!

I would rate these at a 10/10. Definitely worth having a box kept in the cupboard!


Welcome to my blog!


I am a stay at home mom to two children. My son is called Mark and my daughter is called Katie. I have been with my partner for 8 years and we’re now engaged.

When we first moved into our home, I had great enjoyment (and some disappointments!) in trying out new products. I was the youngest of my group of friends to move out first, so I shared my tips with them on the products I felt were the best value for money.

I recently decided to create this blog to share my thoughts with others (and let others share theirs with me) and hopefully will help others save money. There have been quite a few products that I’ve not been happy with and feel that I should share these with others so they don’t waste their money!

If there are any questions or suggestions you have, please contact me at

Much love,

xxx Sammiantha xxx