Sunday 24 June 2012


Welcome to my blog!


I am a stay at home mom to two children. My son is called Mark and my daughter is called Katie. I have been with my partner for 8 years and we’re now engaged.

When we first moved into our home, I had great enjoyment (and some disappointments!) in trying out new products. I was the youngest of my group of friends to move out first, so I shared my tips with them on the products I felt were the best value for money.

I recently decided to create this blog to share my thoughts with others (and let others share theirs with me) and hopefully will help others save money. There have been quite a few products that I’ve not been happy with and feel that I should share these with others so they don’t waste their money!

If there are any questions or suggestions you have, please contact me at

Much love,

xxx Sammiantha xxx

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