Sunday 24 June 2012

Harpic Power Plus Tablets

I absolutely love these! They are fantastic, you drop one into the bottom of the toilet, leave to soak for about 6 hours, flush and your loo is lovely and clean! (Well below the waterline is!)

I haven’t found anything else that is similar to this (if you have, please comment and let me know and I can compare these!) These are ideal if you have someone coming round and you want a lovely clean loo. These clean under the U-Bend where your brush won’t reach. Unless you’re Kim and Aggy and love getting your rubber gloves on and shoving your hand down the loo, these are the best way to ensure your toilet is clean.

There are 8 in a box, and I’ve only found them in Sainsbury’s near me (although on they’re showing at all stores apart from Asda). They normally cost about £2.50 for a box of 8 tablets which work out to 32p a tablet, well worth it in my opinion!

I would rate these at a 10/10. Definitely worth having a box kept in the cupboard!

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